Timeless Words For Golf Coaches

If you follow the world of junior competitive golf, you probably have heard horror stories that have run the gamut. Stories of parents throwing away first-place trophies because their kid didn’t play up to the parents’ expectations, punishing them for each bogey, or yelling at them for poor performance abound. We also hear stories of those who coach adults that are not fl attering, unfortunately.

Golf coaches are extremely important in the development of their players’ games, whether they be juniors or adults. They can also have an influence beyond the green grass of the playing field; they can have an effect that goes far beyond.

USGTF teaching professional and noted golf coach Arlen Bento Jr. gives some sage advice for golf coaches everywhere. Here is his list of what great golf coaches do:

  • Cherish the child over the athlete. Brilliant coaches know that being an athlete is just a small part of being a child. Brilliant coaches never do anything to advance the athlete at the risk of the child.
  • Treat their, and all other, athletes with respect. Brilliant coaches treat all of the kids in the gym, on the fi eld, court, etc., with total respect – no matter what.
  • Communicate with parents. Brilliant coaches understand that parents are not the enemy, and in fact are an important ally in the development of the athlete.
  • Listen to their athletes’ concerns. Brilliant coaches don’t tune out athletes’ worries, fears, or mentions of injury.
  • Connect before they direct. Brilliant coaches understand the importance of emotional connection: “You matter.” “You belong.” “You are important to me. Not you the athlete; rather, you the person.” Our most fundamental need is safety. When we feel safe, we can trust, and when we trust we can learn. Brilliant coaches know that this foundation of trust is essential.


Golf great Gary Player visits with USGTF professional Arlen Bento Jr. and his Pine School golf team. Player is a member of Hobe Sound Golf Club in Florida, and regularly visits with the team during practice and matches. Bento says that Player is a great storyteller and an inspiration to both team and coach. During this particular meeting, Player gave a tip on keeping your head still while putting.